>>sms mien phi thi co rat nhieu cach.co the len tren mang internet hoac dung opera ma dang ky thanh vien roi ma gui sms.hien nay thi tat ca cac dan sai gprs thi gui sms mien phi thong thuong la sai gsms.jar.cai gsms nay luc dau thi sai rat la tot nhung hien gio thi no thi no hoat dong khong binh thuong.
>>cach thuc sai gsms down phan mem ve xong thi sau do co the tim sim vinaphone dang ky tai khoan se co username va password co the gui 10sms/ngay(nen nho tai khoan cua sim vi na phai lon hon 100d).
>>ngoai ra con co the len cac trang web nhu sms.vn vnnmessager ma dang ky de gui sms 3000d la ban co the gui 3sms/ngay.(khong can chu y den tai khoan con tien hay khong)
>>sau day la mot so links gui sms mien phi trong nuoc va nuoc ngoai hoan toan mien phi: www.web2txt.co.uk
Duoi day la rat nhieu link gui sms mien phi.

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